My learnings at Think with Google 我在Google的職場學習

3 min readSep 15, 2021



Last Thursday was my last day adding value to Think with Google.

I was proud of myself for contributing to the brand. During my time there, I outperformed my role’s expectations by building and leading the execution of scaled paid media strategies across 20+ EMEA countries. The strategies consistently contributed above 50% product quarterly OKR in EMEA.

My key learning from this amazing career journey is Leadership for non-people management.

Leadership exists at every level. Leadership skills are shown during the process of delivering results. It includes prioritisation, communication and presentation.

1. Prioritisation

There are countless campaigns we can do to promote a product. But in any type of organisation, even the biggest ones, there are limited resources. We won’t be able to do all of the things we want to. So we prioritise.

The 2 elements that helped me to prioritise and outperform my target were knowing the level of resource required and knowing the level of desired impact.

In general, campaigns with a low level of resource and a high level of desired impact may be given the first priority.

I am a marketer, so prioritising the campaigns was done regularly. Those 2 elements also apply to other business activities.

2. Communication

Each business decision involves multiple people, especially in large enterprises. I’ve learnt it’s crucial for how I influence others to take on my ideas. The 2 essential elements to influence others successfully are data and empathy.

Data: Always have data on hand to support any argument I may raise. Instead of saying ‘I think’ or ‘My hunch´, I start my sentence with ´According to xxx data,…’.

Empathy: Tailor your script to the key areas the person you are talking to cares about. The key question I always ask myself before I enter a meeting is ´How can my idea help them?’ I am still practicing to master this skill.

3. Presentation

Once I’ve achieved something with great results, I also remind myself: ‘your work of delivering a result is not yet completed. You need to present it well.’

Feel confidence to present your achievements. Everyone is busy in the business world. You will need to promote yourself to win recognition from others.

Feeling a bit awkward to talk about your own success? I did too! Well… how did I overcome this awkward feeling?

Just do it! And practice again and again.

Hope you find my sharing useful. Keep going on the career journey of becoming a better professional.

By Tiffany Liu (IG: tiffanyinlondon@)


上週四是我為 Think with Google 貢獻的最後一天。

我為自己的成績感到驕傲。 在那里工作期間,達成超乎團隊與主管的期望。我為歐洲、中東以及非洲市場規劃的規模化媒體策略, 持續貢獻了 50% +的季度 OKR。

我從這段職涯旅程中學到的重要知識: 非人事管理的領導力

領導力存在於各個層面。 領導的能力展現在實現成果的過程中。其中重要的細分能力包含優先排序、溝通和成果展現。


我們可以執行無數種行銷活動來推廣產品。 但在任何規模的組織中,即使是世界級的大公司,其資源都是有限的。 我們無法做所有事情。 所以我們進行優先順序的決策。

幫助我確定優先順序的兩個要素是所需花費資源多寡預期影響的程度。 一般來說,需要低水平資源和高水平預期影響的運動可能會被優先考慮。

我是一名行銷人員,經常要對活動做優先順序的選擇。 這兩個要素也適用於其他商業決策中。


在大型企業中每個商業決策都涉及多人。 我如何影響他人的決策並接受我的想法是非常重要的。 成功地影響他人的兩個基本要素是數據和同理心。

數據:我提出的想法或建議都必定有數據做支持。 我會提醒自己,在句子的開頭避免使用 “我認為” 或 “我猜想”,而是用 “根據 xxx 數據,….” 來開始我的句子。

同理心:我會根據對方關心的領域來設計談話內容。 在會議前的準備作業中,我都會問自己 “我的想法或建議對他們有什麼幫助?” 。我目前也還在練習中,目標是可以越來越準確的掌握對方關心的領域。

3. 成果展現

當我的專案取得很好的成績後,我會提醒自己:”我的工作還沒有完成。 我需要很好地呈現它。”

自信地展示你的優秀成果是一門課題。 每個人都在商業世界中忙碌。 你需要為自己發聲,才能贏得別人的認可。

是否覺得談論自己的成功感覺有點尷尬? 我也是! 我是如何克服尷尬的感覺的?

去做就對了! 然後一次又一次地練習。

以上,是我 的學習,分享給大家。在成為更專業的職場人才,一起加油!

By Tiffany Liu (IG: tiffanyinlondon@)




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